---------------------------------------------------------------------- ELOQUENCE B.07.10 - patch PE71-0609180 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This patch fixes a defect of the Eloquence database client library as released with Eloquence B.07.10. This patch will be integrated in the Eloquence B.07.10 release. Eloquence B.07.10 must be installed before applying this patch. Severity: PE71-0609180: BUG FIX Superseded patches: PE71-0602090: BUG FIX Patch PE71-0602180 ------------------ Platforms: All * When caching is enabled a failed DBDELETE or DBUPDATE call in a specific context could cause the next DBGET call to fail with a status -809:225 (#3169). When caching is used, the client library maintains its own notation of the current record. This information is verified by the server to make sure the information is in sync. Due to a defect the current record could be updated improperly when a DBDELETE or DBUPDATE call failed, causing the next DBGET call to fail. * When deleting a detail entry the related automatic master could ramain in cache although it was deleted (#3085). An application could potentially encounter different behavior when caching was used and a detail entry was removed. In this case a related automatic master entry could remain in cache temporarily although it was deleted as a side effect of deleting the detail. The client library was changed to correctly handle this situation. * On HP-UX some process details were sometimes not uploaded to the server on connection start (#3082). The client library collects some process information and uploads this to the server process for monitoring and audit purposes. The call to obtain the server command line could fail in some cases, depending on the address range used. * Status messages for status code -809 (S_IMAGE) used the wrong format (#3088). * Changed internal library revision to "B.07.10.06" * Changed the Windows file version to "" Patch PE71-0602090 ------------------ Platforms: All * When caching is enabled a status code -809:225 could be returned on a database request. This status indicates that the current record number differs between the server process and the client library. This problem was caused by a defect in the database client library that in a specific case did not correctly handle a situation when DBGET mode 4 was previously used to set the current record number on a non-existing record (DBGET mode 4 returning status 17). Workaround: To workaround this problem the EQ_DBACHE environment variable may be set to disable the use of caching: EQ_DBCACHE=0 * Changed internal library revision to "B.07.10.03" * Changed the Windows file version to "" Installation: ------------- Please download the patch archive that corresponds with the installed release. The patch files follow the conventions below: PE71-0609180-hpux-ia64.tar.gz ^ ^ ^ | | Architecture / OS specific build | Operating system Patch ID HP-UX: In order to install this patch, you need to unpack it with gzip and tar. Gzip is included with HP-UX. Installation requires root privileges. cd /opt/eloquence6 gzip -dc /path/to/PE71-0609180-hpux.tar.gz | tar xf - Files: HP-UX: lib/pa11_32/libeqdb.sl (HP-UX PA-RISC 1.1 32bit) lib/pa20_32/libeqdb.sl (HP-UX PA-RISC 2.0 32bit) lib/pa20_64/libeqdb.sl (HP-UX PA-RISC 2.0 64bit) lib/hpux32/libeqdb.sl (HP-UX Itanium 32bit) lib/hpux64/libeqdb.sl (HP-UX Itanium 64bit) share/doc/PE71-0609180-README Linux: In order to install this patch, you need to unpack it with tar. Installation requires root privileges. cd /opt/eloquence6 tar xzf /path/to/PE71-0609180-linux.tar.gz Files: lib/libeqdb.so share/doc/PE71-0609180-README Windows: Two options are available for patch installation. The patch is available as self extracting archive for automatic installation and as a zip archive for manual installation. Both patches are equivalent. Installation requires administrative capabilities. For autmatic installation of this patch, please download the patch file PE71-0609180-win32.exe file. Before installation, please consider closing all applications and execute the patch installation program. Installation does not require a reboot unless the patched files were active. For a manual installation of the patch, please download the patch file PE71-0609180-win32.zip file and unpack its contents. Then perform the following steps: * Please copy the .dll files into the WINDOWS SYSTEM DIRECTORY (for example C:\Windows\System32). * Please copy the .lib files into the lib subdirectory of your Eloquence installation (for example C:\Programs\Eloquence\lib). * Please copy the PE71-0609180-README.txt file into the share\doc subdirectory of your Eloquence installation (for example C:\Programs\Eloquence\share\doc). Files: eloqdb32.dll eloqdb32.lib PE71-0609180-README.txt