---------------------------------------------------------------------- ELOQUENCE B.07.10 - patch PE71-0709203 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This patch adds enhancements or fixes defects of the dbutil utility as released with Eloquence B.07.10. This patch will be integrated in the Eloquence B.07.10 release. Eloquence B.07.10 must be installed before applying this patch. Severity: PE71-0709203: BUG FIX Superseded patches: PE71-0611060: BUG FIX PE71-0610311: BUG FIX Patch PE71-0709203 ------------------ Platforms: Windows * On recent Windows versions the dbutil utility could fail to start. During dbutil startup, a temporary file was created in the current root directory, typically C:\. On recent Windows versions starting with Windows Vista, C:\ is write-protected by default, causing dbutil to fail. The dbutil utility now uses the system-defined temporary directory. * Changed the Windows file version to "" Patch PE71-0611060 ------------------ Platforms: All * Corrected improper database privilege check introduced with PE71-0610311 (#3233). This defect had the effect that the DBPRIV privilege was checked instead of the DADMIN when maintaining database properties from a script file. * Changed the Windows file version to "" Patch PE71-0610311 ------------------ Platforms: All * Database names longer than 80 characters could cause dbutil to abort with a SEGV signal when used interactively (#2709). * When using dbutil interactively pressing return in an empty selection list (such as database properties) could result in an internal failure (#2409, #2964). A message like below was output: FATAL: Internal problem detected in dbproperty_dlg. Assertion failed: (cy >= 0 && cy < dbproperty_cnt) * Saving a database session could emit the wrong syntax when database privileges were changed (#3081). * dbutil did not properly check for the DADMIN privilege (#3233). This had the effect that dbutil denied changing database properties although the database user had the required DADMIN privilege. A message like below was output by dbutil: *** The DADMIN capability is required to ... * The DELETE PATH syntax was simplified and no longer requires specification of a master set (#3203). The new syntax is as below: DELETE PATH item-name; The previous syntax is still accepted but the set name is not verified. DELETE PATH item-name(set-name); Deleting a path from a set does not require specifying a master set as this information is available from the database schema. * dbutil enforced a minimum record size (media size) of 4 bytes (#3234). This limitation could affect compatibility of stand-alone manual master and detail sets. An error message like below was output by dbutil: SET-NAME: Data set below min. entry length (4) The minimum record size limitation was removed from Eloquence B.07.10 (and recent B.07.00 patch levels) but was still enforced by dbutil. * Changed the Windows file version to "" Installation: ------------- Please download the patch archive that corresponds with the installed release. The patch files follow the conventions below: PE71-0709203-hpux-ia64.tar.gz ^ ^ ^ | | Architecture / OS specific build | Operating system Patch ID HP-UX: In order to install this patch, you need to unpack it with gzip and tar. Gzip is included with HP-UX. Installation requires root privileges. cd /opt/eloquence6 gzip -dc /path/to/PE71-0709203-hpux.tar.gz | tar xf - Files: bin/dbutil lib/dbutil.hlp share/doc/PE71-0709203-README Linux: In order to install this patch, you need to unpack it with tar. Installation requires root privileges. cd /opt/eloquence6 tar xzf /path/to/PE71-0709203-linux.tar.gz Files: bin/dbutil lib/dbutil.hlp share/doc/PE71-0709203-README Windows XP/2000/NT: This patch should only be installed if you previously installed the Eloquence database utilities on your system. Installation requires administrative capabilities. Two options are available for patch installation. The patch is available as self extracting archive for automatic installation and as a zip archive for manual installation. Both patches are equivalent. Installation requires administrative capabilities. For autmatic installation of this patch, please download the patch file PE71-0709203-win32.exe file. Before installation, please consider closing all applications and execute the patch installation program. Installation does not require a reboot unless the patched files were active. For a manual installation of the patch, please download the patch file PE71-0709203-win32.zip file and unpack its contents. Then perform the following steps: * Please copy the dbutil.exe file into the bin subdirectory of your Eloquence installation (for example C:\Programs\Eloquence\bin). * Please copy the dbutil.hlp file into the lib subdirectory of your Eloquence installation (for example C:\Programs\Eloquence\lib). * Please copy the PE71-0709203-README.txt file into the share\doc subdirectory of your Eloquence installation (for example C:\Programs\Eloquence\share\doc). Files: dbutil.exe dbutil.hlp PE71-0709203-README.txt