A0610/linux/INSTALL revision: 1998-04-22 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- To install HP Eloquence with the rpm package manager, execute the command below: rpm -i B1368B-A.06.10-1.i386.rpm Please note if you get an error installing this archive (error -2 reading header: Unknown error) you need to update your rpm (we have used rpm 2.4.10). To install the tar archive, additional manual steps are required, which are described in the HP Eloquence "Installation and Configuration" manual. Please refer to the HP Eloquence documentation for detailed instructions how to install and configure HP Eloquence. The HP Eloquence documentation is available in HTML and PDF Format or can be accessed on the Internet at http://www.hp-eloquence.com/support/doc/html/ If you are using the S.u.S.E Linux distribution (which includes a part of the HP Eloquence product), the documentation is installed in the directory /usr/doc/packages/eloquen/html/