---------------------------------------------------------------------- HP ELOQUENCE A.06.31 - patch 0202060 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This patch fixes a defect of the TurboIMAGE compatibility API (image3k library) as released with A.06.31. Status: Beta Test Severity: PE63-0202060: NORMAL (bug fix) Fixed problems -------------- Platforms: All * DBINFO mode 202 and 205 returned the entry size in bytes instead of 16 bit words. New Functionality ----------------- * Upper case entry points for the TurboIMAGE intrinsics have been created in addition to the lower case ones. This makes it possible to use upper case image calls from languages other than C or C++ * DBINFO mode 801 has been added which allows to identify the version of the TurboIMAGE compatibility library. Note: In previous library versions DBINFO mode 801 was used differently and will cause a program abort unless a qualifier other than a NULL pointer is passed. Also DBINFO mode 801 will return status -21 in previous versions rather than -31. See below for additonal documentation. * DBINFO modes 701, 702, 703, 704 have been added. These modes implement the equivalent of the HP Eloqunence DBINFO modes 501 to 504. Notes: These DBINFO modes are considered experimental and should be considered as a request for comments. It has not yet been decided if they will be present in subsequent versions of the image3k library since A.07.00 will implement the TPI DBINFO modes (mode 8xx). If you think they are usefull, please send us a message at feedback@hp-eloquence.com or use the feedback form on the HP Eloquence web site. See below for additonal documentation. Documentation ------------- Mode 801: Describes the Third-Party product enabled on the database. Qualifier is ignored. Buffer returns the following (note that each element is a halfword or two bytes): -------------------------------------------------------------- | Element | Contents | -------------------------------------------------------------- | 1-20 | Product name (blank if none installed) | -------------------------------------------------------------- | 21-25 | Version number | -------------------------------------------------------------- | 26-27 | Date of current installation on a database | | | (CALENDAR intrinsic format) | -------------------------------------------------------------- | 28-29 | Time of current installation on a database | | | (CLOCK intrinsic format) | -------------------------------------------------------------- Remarks Product name is "HP Eloquence A.xx.yy" padded with spaces where xx is the major and yy the minor product version. For example "HP Eloquence A.06.31" The version number format is A.xx.yy.zz where xx is the major and yy the minor product version and zz the patch level. For example "A.06.31.01" The installation date/time are always zero. Mode 701: Index Item Number Mode 701 returns the item number of the specified index item. Qualifier identifies the index item name or number for which the information is requested. Buffer returns the following (note that each element is a halfword or two bytes): ----------------------------------------------------- | Element | Contents | ----------------------------------------------------- | 1 | Index item number | ----------------------------------------------------- Mode 702: Index Item Name Mode 702 describes a specific index item. Qualifier identifies the index item name or number for which the information is requested. Buffer returns the following (note that each element is a halfword or two bytes): ----------------------------------------------------- | Element | Contents | ----------------------------------------------------- | 1-8 | Index item name | ----------------------------------------------------- | 9 | Number of segments | ----------------------------------------------------- | 10 | Reserved (zero) | ----------------------------------------------------- | 11 | Data Item number (segment 1) | ----------------------------------------------------- | 12 | Length in bytes (Segment 1) | ----------------------------------------------------- | 13 | Reserved (zero) | ----------------------------------------------------- | : | : | ----------------------------------------------------- | 3n+8 | Data Item number (segment n) | ----------------------------------------------------- | 3n+9 | Length in bytes (segment n) | ----------------------------------------------------- | 3n+10 | Reserved (zero) | ----------------------------------------------------- The index item name is left-justified and will be padded with blanks if the name is shorter than 16 characters. Mode 703: Index Items in Database Mode 703 identifies data items available in the database and displays the type of access allowed. This mode does not identify unreferenced data items, that is, those items that are defined in the item section of the schema but are not referenced by at least one data set. Qualifier is ignored. Buffer returns the following (note that each element is a halfword or two bytes): ----------------------------------------------------- | Element | Contents | ----------------------------------------------------- | 1 | Item count x | ----------------------------------------------------- | 2 | Index item number 1 | ----------------------------------------------------- | : | : | ----------------------------------------------------- | n + 1 | Index item number n | ----------------------------------------------------- The items are listed in index item number order. Mode 704: Index Items in Data Set Mode 704 identifies index items available in a specific data set. Qualifier identifies the data set name or number for which the information is requested. Buffer returns the following (note that each element is a halfword or two bytes): ----------------------------------------------------- | Element | Contents | ----------------------------------------------------- | 1 | Item count x | ----------------------------------------------------- | 2 | Index item number 1 | ----------------------------------------------------- | : | : | ----------------------------------------------------- | n + 1 | Index item number n | ----------------------------------------------------- The index items are listed in order of occurrence in the schema. Installation ------------ HP-UX and Linux: In order to install this patch, you need to unpack it with gzip. Gzip is included with HP-UX 10.x and Linux. Installation requires root privileges. cd /opt/eloquence6 gzip -dc /path/to/PE63-0202060-hpux.tar.gz | tar xf - Files: lib/libimage3k.sl (HP-UX) lib/libimage3k.so (Linux) share/doc/PE63-0202060-README Windows: Download the PE63-0202060-win32.zip file and unpack with WINZIP or PKZIP. Installation requires administrative capabilities. Please copy the image3k.dll file into the WINDOWS SYSTEM DIRECTORY (for example C:/WINNT/SYSTEM32) and the image3k.lib and image3k.def files to the lib subdirectory of your HP Eloquence installation directory (for example C:/Programs/Hewlett-Packard/HP Eloquence/lib). Files: image3k.dll image3k.lib image3k.def PE63-0202060-README.txt