---------------------------------------------------------------------- HP ELOQUENCE A.06.31 - patch 0209021 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This patch fixes a defect of the 32bit runsrv32 GUI driver for the Windows platform as released with A.06.31. Severity: NORMAL Fixed problems: --------------- Platforms: Windows * It took 2.5 seconds to initiate a DLG connection. This was caused by the DDEWait configuration which adds a delay after starting a DDE server program to ensure the protocol can be properly setup. This delay also happened when a DLG connection was established which has been fixed with the current version. The 16bit runsrv is not affected because it does not have the DDEWait configuration. Installation: ------------- Windows - 32bit runsrv32: Download the PE63-0209021-win32.zip file and unpack with WINZIP or PKZIP. Installation requires administrative capabilities. Please copy the runsrv32.exe file into the bin subdirectory of your HP Eloquence installation directory (for example C:/Programs/Hewlett-Packard/HP Eloquence/bin). Files: runsrv32.exe PE63-0209021-README.txt