Eloquence B.06.32 - Linux README ================================ This directory holds the release of the Eloquence B.06.32 distribution for the Linux platform. List of files: INSTALL Installation instructions ms5sum MD5 checksums of the rpm file (md5sum *.rpm) Eloquence-B0632.glibc2.2-8.i386.rpm Eloquence B.06.32 for glibc2.2 based systems Eloquence-B0632.glibc2.1-8.i386.rpm Eloquence B.06.32 for glibc2.1 based systems Eloquence-B0632.libc6-8.i386.rpm Eloquence B.06.32 for glibc2.0 (aka libc6) based systems Eloquence-B0632.rh8-8.i386.rpm Eloquence B.06.32 for RedHat 8.x bash2-2.03-8.i386.rpm bash2 is required for RedHat 6.x based systems. This rpm has been obtained from RedHat contrib and is only provided for convenience and not part of the Eloquence product.