---------------------------------------------------------------------- ELOQUENCE B.06.32 - patch 0410190 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This patch fixes defects of the eloqdb6 program as released with Eloquence B.06.32. Eloquence B.06.32 must be installed before applying this patch. Severity: PE63-0410190: BUG FIX PE63-0410040: BUG FIX Patch PE63-0410190 ------------------ Platforms: ALL * In rare cases, the eloqdb6 server could abort while executing the internal thread_get_data function. Additional diagnostic messages have been implemented in thread_get_data. Patch PE63-0410040 ------------------ Platforms: ALL * The eloqdb6 server could exceed the valid range of the idle thread semaphore that is used internally to signal outstanding events (#2441). The semaphore value overflow could only happen in a rare case when the idle thread did not block for some time due to a large number of outstanding disk i/o completion (TIO) events. In case the idle semaphore overflowed some database sessions could terminate with status -700/-6 when shared memory communication was configured (EnableIPC set to 1 or 2). The server log had a message like below semop(UP): Numerical result out of range (errno 34) The internal event processing was changed to avoid overflowing the valid semaphore value range. * A server abort due to an internal error during a dbrestore operation could result in disk space not being released and stale node entries (#2187,#2192). When the eloqdb6 process aborted during a dbrestore operation in some cases the disk space used by the partial dbrestore was not released. In addition stale node entries could remain that could result in warnings when running dbfsck. The eloqdb6 database server has been modified to recover disk space from an aborted dbrestore operation and to delete all non-committed node entries during restart. * Insuffient disk space during a dbrestore operation could cause the eloqdb6 process to abort with an internal failure (#2189,#2192): Pool_Commit() failed on Node_AddItemToFlist() Assertion failed: Tlog_Commit() failed on Tlog_Action() panic: Aborting on internal failure, file voltxn.c, line 749 Assertion failed: !FPool_ValidAnchor(&meta->do_log_anchor) panic: Aborting on internal failure, file voltxn.c, line 734 * A server recovery after a previous server abort due to an internal error could result in an internal failure message like below (#1169): Assertion failed: f_bhp->id.node_id == node_id panic: Aborting on internal failure, file mpool.c, line 408 This was caused by a defect that could release transaction journal pages too early. In rare cases this could corrupt the transaction journal and could potentially lead to data corruption. * The eloqdb6 server process could abort with a message like below when a dbrestore operation failed due to an invalid archive (#2181): server panic: Fatal problem detected in bf_flags Assertion failed: !(bhp->flags & BUF_NEWPAGE) server panic: Aborting on internal failure, file mpool.c, line 2095 The eloqdb6 code has been fixed to recover correctly from a dbrestore failure in this case. * The eloqdb6 server could abort with an internal failure during if the available disk space (as defined by the volume files) was exausted in a dbrestore operation. This could result in volume corruption (#2187). Installation: ------------- UNIX: In order to install this patch, you need to unpack it with gzip. Gzip is included with HP-UX and Linux. Installation requires root privileges. cd /opt/eloquence6 gzip -dc /path/to/PE63-0410190-hpux.tar.gz | tar xf - Files: bin/eloqdb6 bin/dblogreset share/doc/PE63-0410190-README Windows XP/2000/NT: This patch should *only* be installed if you previously installed the Eloquence server components on your system. Download the PE63-0410190-win32.zip file and unpack its contents with WinZip or PKUNZIP. Installation requires administrative capabilities. PLEASE MAKE SURE THE eloqdb6 SERVICE has been STOPPED previously (in the Service Control Manager or with NET STOP eloqdb6). Please copy the eloqdb6.exe file into the WINDOWS SYSTEM DIRECTORY (for example C:\Windows\System32). Please copy the PE63-0410190-README.txt file into the share\doc subdirectory of your Eloquence installation (for example C:\Programs\Eloquence\share\doc). Files: eloqdb6.exe dblogreset.exe PE63-0410190-README.txt