Index of
Eloquence MPE migration utilities (2002-08-17)
The archives in this directory provide the equivalent to
the Eloquence DBINFO and DBEXPORT utilities. Both source
code and compiled versions for MPE are available.
The utilities can also be used with Eloquence using the
TurboIMAGE compatibility extension.
For additional information please refer to:
--- Disclaimer --- ----------------------------------------------
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts
responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it or for
whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless
he says so in writing.
We kindly ask to submit all changes to
so we can consider to include them in an improved version.
--- End Disclaimer --- ------------------------------------------
DBEXPORT is used to export the database content to a flat file.
It provides a convenient means to move your data base content
to the Eloquence data base.
This version should be used with Eloquence A.07.00 and supports
all item types.
Usage: DBEXPORT [-p password] database [set [...]]
Specify the -help command line option to get information on usage.
DBINFO provides lists the data sets for the specified data base
including data set name, type, number of entries and capacity.
Usage: DBINFO [-p password] database [set [...]]
Specify the -help command line option to get information on usage.
The C source code is available as well. It should compile
and work with TurboIMAGE on MPE and HP-UX, Linux and Windows
using the Eloquence TurboIMAGE compatibility option.
When compiling on MPE 6.0, the Makefile must be changed to
activate the HAS_LONG_LONG=0 as the HP C compiler does not
support the long long data type.
Source files:
hp3kinfo.c - similar to the Eloquence dbinfo utility
hp3kexport.c - similar to the Eloquence dbexport utility
Makefile - MPE makefile
Archive files:
LICENSE - license under which the Eloquence MPE migraiton
tools are published
hp3ksrc.tar - source code
hp3kbin.tar.Z - compiled version, compressed tar archive
EQ3KBTAZ - same as above
- When using ftp please use binary mode to download the files.
- When transferring a STORE archive to a HP3000 the file code
and record size need to be specified. To upload the following
ftp commands should be used to switch to binary mode and
specify the necessary options:
>get mystore mystore;rec=128,,f,binary;code=2501
tar archive:
From the MPE shell execute the command below:
:tar "xzvopf EQ3KBTAZ"
store archive:
From the MPE shell execute the commands below: