---------------------------------------------------------------------- ELOQUENCE B.07.00 - patch 0510260 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This patch adds enhancements or fixes defects of the dbexport and dbimport utilities as released with Eloquence B.07.00. This patch will be integrated in the Eloquence B.07.00 release. Eloquence B.07.00 must be installed before applying this patch. Severity: PE70-0510260: ENHANCEMENT Superseded patches: PE70-0312220: BUX FIX, ENHANCEMENT Fixed problems: --------------- Platforms: All * The dbimport utility was modified to output more detailed information on conversion errors. * The dbimport utility was modified to ignore underflow/overflow conversion failures for IEEE values (#2221). * The dbexport utlity was enhanced to check for corrupted P/Z item values (#2813). A corrupted item value is replaced with a zero value and results in a warning message. Platforms: HP-UX, Linux * The dbexport utility was enhanced to support files sizes beyond 2 GB (#2537, #2547) * The dbimport utility was enhanced to support files sizes beyond 2 GB (#2537, #2547) Patch PE70-0312220 ------------------ Platforms: All * dbimport could end up in a loop when trying to import an automatic set from a single file export file. Dbimport has been changed to skip automatic masters. * dbimport no longer aborts when a data sets lacks write access. A data set without the required write access rights is now skipped and a warning message is output. * A new -x command line option was added to dbexport and dbimport that allows to specify a list of data sets to be excluded. When the -x option is not present the command line may specify a list of data sets to be processed. With the -x option present, this is understood as a list of data sets to be excluded. * dbimport has been modified on HP-UX and Linux to handle CR/LF as a line terminator in a restructure file. Installation: ------------- HP-UX, Linux: In order to install this patch, you need to unpack it with gzip. Gzip is included with HP-UX and Linux. Installation requires root privileges. cd /opt/eloquence6 gzip -dc /path/to/PE70-0510260-hpux.tar.gz | tar xf - Files: bin/dbimport bin/dbexport share/doc/PE70-0510260-README Windows: Download the PE70-0510260-win32.zip file and unpack its contents with WinZip or PKUNZIP. Installation requires administrative capabilities. Please copy the dbimport.exe file into the bin subdirectory of your Eloquence installation (for example C:\Programs\Eloquence\bin). Please copy the PE70-0510260-README.txt file into the share\doc subdirectory of your Eloquence installation (for example C:\Programs\Eloquence\share\doc). Files: dbimport.exe dbexport.exe PE70-0510260-README.txt