---------------------------------------------------------------------- ELOQUENCE B.07.00 - patch bundle B040924 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The following patches are included in patch bundle B040924 (as applicable for the specific OS / architecture): PE70-0305090 Fixes a defect of the Eloquence startup/shutdown functions PE70-0305120 Fixes a defect of the QUERY utility PE70-0310080 Fixes a defect of the eloqcore program PE70-0312150 Fixes a compatibility problem with several terminal types and newer ncurses versions. PE70-0312220 Fixes a defect of the dbexport/dbimport utility PE70-0401132 Fixes a defect of the dbfsck utility PE70-0401161 Fixes a defect of the dblogreset program PE70-0401162 Fixes a defect of the dbrecover utility PE70-0406021 Fixes a defect of the Eloquence database client library PE70-0406220 Fixes a defect of the image3k TurboIMAGE compatibility library PE70-0406240 Fixes a defect of the eloqdb6 database server PE70-0409150 Fixes a defect of the dbutil utility PE70-0409300 Fixes a defect of the eloqsd server on the Windows XP/2000/NT platforms