---------------------------------------------------------------------- ELOQUENCE B.07.10 - patch PE71-0801150 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This patch enhances or fixes defects of the QUERY3K utility as released with Eloquence B.07.10. This patch will be integrated in the Eloquence B.07.10 release. Eloquence B.07.10 must be installed before applying this patch. Severity: PE71-0801150: BUG FIX Superseded patches: PE71-0712030: BUG FIX PE71-0703290: BUG FIX For more information on QUERY3K, please refer to http://eloquence.marxmeier.com/support/B0710/doc/query3k/index.html Patch PE71-0801150 ------------------ Platforms: All * Fixed a problem with the SUBSET command after a MULTIFIND (#3512). The SUBSET command did not properly evaluate the condition when a data set equivalence clause was used. * Fixed a potential buffer overflow when parsing commands. * The QUERY3K version number was changed to B.07.10.06 (20080115), the Windows file revision was changed to Patch PE71-0712030 ------------------ Platforms: All * Fixed a problem with the SKIP A/B report options not working as expected (#3492). Due to a bug the SKIP A/B options were reversed. * Fixed a problem that could cause a :FILE command in QUERY3K to fail with an error message as below when the command line exceeded 31 bytes (#3491). FILE command requires at least two parmameters, including the formal name of the file. (CIERR 204) * QUERY3K was changed to use the /var/tmp directory as a default location to create temporary files (#3461). Previous QUERY3K versions used the /tmp directory by default. * The QUERY3K version number was changed to B.07.10.05 (20071203), the Windows file revision was changed to Patch PE71-0703290 ------------------ Platforms: All * Fix a bug related to JOINS using more than two data sets that could perform wrong evaluation of the JOIN condition in some cases. J DETAIL2.KEYE2 @ TO DETAIL4.E4ITEM, & DETAIL4.E4ITEM @ TO DETAIL3.E2ITEM * Fixed a number of problems related to the JOIN command and using indexed access on Little Endian platforms (Linux, Windows). * Fixed a problem with calling DBINFO 812 improperly that might result in returning a status -21 on little endian platforms. * Fixed a problem where some E4 values could result in a field overflow during output (#3287). Some values (such as -1000) could in some cases result in a field overflow due to a rounding problem while estimating the number of significant digits. * Fixed a problem with QUERY3K crashing when printing string items with a size beyond 255 bytes (#3267). This problem was caused by a buffer overflow. As a temporary solution, string items with a size beyond 255 characters are no longer considered printable and will result in a message like below: ILLEGAL ITEM LENGTH X500, ITEM ID-DATA-500-1 IGNORED * Fixed a memory corruption with the FIND command when entering an item with more than 16 characters (#3296). For example: > find skldjflskjflskdjflskjdflskjflskdjlskdjf PROCEDURE NAME TOO LONG > exit ** Cought signal 11 ... * The FORM SETS command was changed to suppress outputting the MAXIMUM CAPACITY if the output would be the Eloquence default. As all Eloquence data sets are considered to have a dynamic "capacity" this would otherwise clutter the output without providing any additional information. * QUERY3K was enhanced to improve support of the Eloquence database limits that exceed the previous TurboIMAGE limits. This release should now support - a record size of up to 5120 bytes - 2048 items per database - 500 data sets - 1024 items per set. - The item type 'B' (binary) is now mapped to 'X'. String items with more than 255 bytes per subitem are not yet fully supported and may result in undefined behavior. * The QUERY3K version number was changed to B.07.10.04 (20070216), the Windows file revision was changed to Installation: ------------- Please download the patch archive that corresponds with the installed release. The patch files follow the conventions below: PE71-0801150-hpux-ia64.tar.gz ^ ^ ^ | | Architecture / OS specific build | Operating system Patch ID HP-UX: In order to install this patch, you need to unpack it with gzip and tar. Gzip is included with HP-UX. Installation requires root privileges. cd /opt/eloquence6 gzip -dc /path/to/PE71-0801150-hpux.tar.gz | tar xf - Files: bin/query3k lib/nls/C/QSMSG000.cat share/doc/PE71-0801150-README Linux: In order to install this patch, you need to unpack it with tar. Installation requires root privileges. cd /opt/eloquence6 tar xzf /path/to/PE71-0801150-linux.tar.gz Files: bin/query3k lib/nls/C/QSMSG000.cat share/doc/PE71-0801150-README Windows XP/2000/NT: This patch should only be installed if you previously installed the Eloquence database utilities on your system. Installation requires administrative capabilities. Two options are available for patch installation. The patch is available as self extracting archive for automatic installation and as a zip archive for manual installation. Both patches are equivalent. Installation requires administrative capabilities. For autmatic installation of this patch, please download the patch file PE71-0801150-win32.exe file. Before installation, please consider closing all applications and execute the patch installation program. Installation does not require a reboot unless the patched files were active. For a manual installation of the patch, please download the patch file PE71-0801150-win32.zip file and unpack its contents. Then perform the following steps: * Please copy the query3k.exe and qlp.exe files into the bin subdirectory of your Eloquence installation (for example C:\Programs\Eloquence\bin). * Please copy the QSMSG000.cat file into the lib/nls subdirectory of your Eloquence installation (for example C:\Programs\Eloquence\lib\nls). * Please copy the PE71-0801150-README.txt file into the share\doc subdirectory of your Eloquence installation (for example C:\Programs\Eloquence\share\doc). Files: query3k.exe qlp.exe QSMSG000.cat PE71-0801150-README.txt