ELOQUENCE B.08.10 - patch PE81-1211190
This patch adds enhancements or fixes defects of the Eloquence WEBDLG
components as released with Eloquence B.08.10. This patch will be
integrated in the Eloquence B.08.10 release.
Eloquence B.08.10 must be installed before applying this patch.
Superseded patches:
PE81-1107250: BUG FIX
PE81-1105090: BUG FIX
Please refer to the patch descriptions below for details.
Enhancements and new functionality
* WEBDLG Dialogs are now dynamically updated, whenever possible,
using Ajax ("Web 2.0") browser functionality.
As long as a DLG DO invocation refers to the same Dialog that is
currently displayed, and this Dialog is not structurally modified,
the HTML page is not reloaded but dynamically updated.
This may significantly improve performance if a Dialog frequently
returns to the program.
The attributes below are considered to not modify the Dialog
Common attributes:
- focus, udata
StaticText attribute:
- text
EditText attributes:
- content, cx, cy, topitem, clear, add, line, home, end, bol, eol,
up, down, left, right, npage, ppage, ins, delch, delln, deleol,
deleot, file, insertfile, writefile
PushButton attribute:
- text
CheckBox and RadioButton attributes:
- text, active
ListBox and PopText attributes:
- content, cx, cy, topitem, activeline, clear, add, line, home,
end, bol, eol, up, down, left, right, npage, ppage, ins, delln,
deleot, file, writefile
Image attribute:
- url
If a program invokes DLG SET to modify any other attributes than
listed above, or if a program invokes DLG NEW or DLG DEL, WEBDLG
assumes that the current Dialog is structurally modified and
therefore causes the HTML page to be reloaded.
Whether or not this feature is used is automatically determined,
depending on the browser capabilities.
The new [HTML] EnableAjax eloqwebd configuration parameter may be
used to globally disable this feature if desired:
[HTML] EnableAjax
Nonzero (default): The Ajax functionality is enabled if
supported by the browser.
Zero: The Ajax functionality is disabled, i.e., the HTML
page is reloaded whenever a Dialog returns to the program,
as in previous WEBDLG versions.
The configured value may be queried or overridden at runtime
using the Application.enableajax attribute (see below).
* WEBDLG now enforces the Dialog tab order. In addition, the RETURN
and ENTER keys are now by default enabled for tab navigation, and
the RETURN/ENTER and SPACE keys may be used to trigger button and
ListBox objects.
The new [HTML] FocusTabMode eloqwebd configuration parameter
allows to configure this new functionality:
[HTML] FocusTabMode
2 (default): The Dialog tab order is enforced, the TAB and
RETURN and ENTER keys are enabled for tab navigation.
In addition, the RETURN/ENTER and SPACE keys may be used to
trigger button and ListBox objects (depending on the browser
1: The Dialog tab order is enforced, only the TAB key is
enabled for tab navigation.
0: The browser handles the tab navigation, as in previous
WEBDLG versions. The tabindex HTML attribute is used to
propose the desired tab order to the browser.
The new common tabstop attribute may be used to exclude an object
from the Dialog tab order:
tabstop : integer, get/set
Nonzero (default): The object is part of the Dialog tab order.
Zero: The object is not part of the Dialog tab order.
The new common tabonenter attribute may be used to specify for
an object whether or not the RETURN and ENTER keys are enabled
for tab navigation:
tabonenter : integer, get/set
Nonzero: The TAB and RETURN and ENTER keys are enabled for
tab navigation.
Zero: Only the TAB key is enabled for tab navigation.
The default value is nonzero for EditText and ListBox objects
and zero for all other objects.
- If set to nonzero for a Button object, the RETURN and
ENTER keys can no longer be used to trigger the button.
- For multi-line EditText objects, the RETURN and ENTER keys
always add a newline character, i.e., they are never enabled
for tab navigation, regardless of the tabonenter attribute.
* Enhanced the support for CSS style definitions.
- The Dialog style may now be specified using the eq_dialog
CSS class, for example:
.eq_dialog {
background-color: #c0a0a0;
- The GroupBox style may now be specified using the eq_groupbox
CSS class, for example:
.eq_groupbox {
background-color: #00c0c0;
- For EditText objects, the eq_edittext, eq_edittext_ml and
eq_edittext_ro CSS classes are now combined, depending on
the EditText attributes:
eq_edittext - defines the CSS style for every EditText object
eq_edittext_ml - is applied in addition to the eq_edittext class
if the multiline attribute is set to nonzero
eq_edittext_ro - is applied in addition to the eq_edittext class
if the editable attribute is set to zero
For example:
.eq_edittext {
font-family: Courier;
.eq_edittext_ml {
color: #000077;
.eq_edittext_ro {
background-color: #ffffe0;
In the example above, a multi-line non-editable EditText object
would be displayed using a Courier font, a #ffffe0 background
color and a #000077 foreground color.
- The new common cssid and cssclass attributes allow to override
the default CSS class for an object.
cssid : string, get/set
Specifies a CSS identifier for an object. In contrast to a
CSS class, a CSS identifier should be unique, i.e., should
be used by only one object in a Dialog.
For example, if cssid = "Title" would be set for an object,
the CSS definition below would be applied:
#Title {
background-color: #c000c0;
cssclass : string, get/set
Specifies a CSS class for an object. A CSS class may be used
for multiple objects in a Dialog.
For example, if cssclass = "My_GroupBox" would be set for the
GroupBox objects in a Dialog, the CSS definition below would
be applied:
.My_GroupBox {
border-style: ridge;
border-width: 1px;
border-color: #880000;
Note: If the cssid and/or cssclass attributes are set, the
default CSS class for the specific object is no longer applied.
In addition, if the specific object is a Dialog, GroupBox or
Image and the object does not explicitly set any of the border
attributes, the border properties are honored as specified
in the CSS definition.
* Apache version 2.2 only: Added support for HTTP Basic Authentication
against the eloqsd server.
If configured, the browser opens a Login Dialog to query the user
name and password, which are then authenticated against the eloqsd
server, where the user must be configured in the eloqd.user file.
In a second step, the same user name and password are then used
to start the configured program.
Configuration example (Apache httpd.conf configuration file):
SetHandler eq-web-dlg
EloqCommand "PROG1,WWW"
Require valid-user
AuthType Basic
AuthBasicProvider eloqsd
AuthName "PROG1"
EloqSDHostname ""
SetHandler eq-web-dlg
EloqCommand "PROG2,WWW"
Require valid-user
AuthType Basic
AuthBasicProvider eloqsd
AuthName "PROG2"
EloqSDHostname ""
In the example above, the browser opens a Login Dialog when the
PROG1 program is started, and again when the PROG2 program is
started. This is because two different "realms" are configured
using the AuthName parameters: "PROG1" and "PROG2". The browser
stores separate user name and password information for each realm.
Once a login was successful, the browser caches the user name
and password information for the realm and no longer opens a
Login Dialog (depending on the browser implementation, possibly
subject to the browser configuration).
- The mod_eloq EloqSDHostname configuration parameter must be
specified if the eloqsd server is located on a remote system,
as shown in the example above. It may however be omitted if
the eloqsd server is located on the local system.
- The mod_eloq EloqSDUser and EloqSDPassword and the eloqwebd
[EloqSD] User and Password configuration parameters must not
be configured, otherwise the user name and password specified
in the Login Dialog are not used to start the program.
- The user name and password specified in the Login Dialog may
be resolved in the mod_eloq EloqCommand and EloqEnvironment
configuration parameters using the $authlogin and $authpassword
tokens (see below).
- A program may query the user name and password specified in
the Login Dialog using the System.authlogin and .authpassword
attributes (see below).
- The browser sends the user name and password information in
clear text, therefore this should only be used in a trusted
environment, unless the Apache web server is configured to
use the secure HTTPS protocol.
- This functionality depends on the Apache 2.2 authentication
provider support and therefore does not work with Apache
versions before 2.2.
* Added support for token and environment variable resolving in
the mod_eloq EloqCommand and EloqEnvironment configuration
The EloqCommand and EloqEnvironment values may use the tokens
listed below which are resolved when the program is started:
$remoteaddr - This token is replaced with the IP address
of the system where the browser runs.
$remotename - This token is replaced with the host name of
the system where the browser runs (equivalent
to $remoteaddr if the host name is unknown, e.g.
if the Apache web server is not configured to
perform DNS reverse lookups).
$remoteport - This token is replaced with the port number
the browser uses for this request.
$authlogin - This token is replaced with the user name if
HTTP Basic Authentication is used.
$authpassword - This token is replaced with the password if
HTTP Basic Authentication is used.
$(VARIABLENAME) - This token is replaced with the value of the
VARIABLENAME environment variable.
* Added the PopText object class. The PopText class implements a
selectable list which displays one single line. It provides the
same attributes as the ListBox class.
* Added the common selonfocus attribute.
selonfocus : integer, get/set
Specifies whether the content of EditText fields are selected
on focus. Possible values are:
0 - don't select anything
1 - select single-line EditText
2 - select multi-line EditText
3 - select both single- and multi-line EditText
This allows to override the global eloqwebd [HTML] SelectOnFocus
configuration with an object-specific value. If specified for a
Dialog or GroupBox object, all contained EditText objects are
The default value is defined by the Application.selonfocus
attribute (see below) or the eloqwebd [HTML] SelectOnFocus
configuration parameter.
If neither is set, the default value is 1.
* Added the common toolhelp attribute.
toolhelp : string, get/set
Informational text to be displayed when the user hovers the
mouse cursor over the object for some time without clicking
the mouse.
* Added the Dialog xraster and yraster attributes.
xraster : integer, get/set
yraster : integer, get/set
Specifies the width and height of a character cell, used for
internal coordinate calculations.
The xraster/yraster unit is a 10th of a pixel to allow for sub-
pixel raster sizes. For example, to specify a 10.5 pixel raster
size, a value of 105 must be used.
This allows to override the global eloqwebd [HTML] XRaster and
YRaster configuration with Dialog-specific values.
The default values are defined by the Application.xraster and
yraster attributes (see below) or the eloqwebd [HTML] XRaster
and YRaster configuration parameters.
If neither is set, the xraster default value is 90 (9 pixels)
and the yraster default value is 180 (18 pixels).
* Added the borderstyle attribute for Dialog, GroupBox and Image
borderstyle : string, get/set
Specifies the border style. Possible values are:
"none" - no border
"solid" - solid border
"dotted" - dotted border
"dashed" - dashed border
"double" - double borders
"groove" - 3D grooved border
"ridge" - 3D ridged border
"inset" - 3D inset border
"outset" - 3D outset border
By default, a solid border is displayed if the border thickness
(defined by the border attribute) is 1, or a 3D grooved border
is displayed if the border thickness is greater than 1.
Note: If an object-specific CSS id or class is defined and the
object does not explicitly set any of the border attributes, the
border properties are honored as specified in the CSS definition.
For details, please refer to the cssid and cssclass documentation
* Added the csswidth and cssheight attributes for StaticText,
EditText and ListBox objects.
csswidth : integer, get/set
If nonzero, the object pixel width is specified using the
CSS width style attribute. The browser typically uses this
to enforce the object width.
If set to -1, the pixel width is calculated by multiplying
the object raster width (w attribute) by the character cell
width (xraster).
If set to a positive value, the CSS width is set to the
specified value.
The default value is 0 for StaticText objects and -1 for
EditText and ListBox objects.
cssheight : integer, get/set
If nonzero, the object pixel height is specified using the
CSS height style attribute. The browser typically uses this
to enforce the object height.
If set to -1, the pixel height is calculated by multiplying
the object raster height (h attribute) by the character cell
height (yraster).
If set to a positive value, the CSS height is set to the
specified value.
The default value is 0.
* Added the ListBox ruleoverride and singleclick attributes.
ruleoverride : integer, get/set
If nonzero, the rule of a previously focused EditText object
is overridden (the ListBox rule value combined with the
EditText path is returned).
The default ruleoverride value is zero.
singleclick : integer, get/set
Specifies which action should activate a rule submission:
3 (default) - rule submission on mouse button single click
or UP/DOWN cursor keys, also on RETURN/ENTER
and SPACE keys if enabled by the FocusTabMode
configuration (see above)
2 - rule submission on mouse button double click
or UP/DOWN cursor keys, also on RETURN/ENTER
and SPACE keys if enabled by the FocusTabMode
configuration (see above)
1 - rule submission on mouse button single click,
also on RETURN/ENTER and SPACE keys if enabled
by the FocusTabMode configuration (see above)
0 - rule submission on mouse button double click,
also on RETURN/ENTER and SPACE keys if enabled
by the FocusTabMode configuration (see above)
* Added the Application attributes below to allow to override
specific eloqwebd configuration parameters.
expires : integer, get/set
Number of seconds until DLG a session expires.
During a DLG DO or POPUP BOX command, this is the maximum idle
time until an error #684 is returned.
This allows to override the global eloqwebd [Session] Expires
configuration parameter.
The default value is 3600 seconds (1 hour) unless the eloqwebd
[Session] Expires parameter is otherwise configured.
enableajax : integer, get/set
The Ajax functionality allows dynamic updates of HTML dialogs
without reloading the HTML page. Depending on this setting,
the Ajax functionality is globally enabled or disabled.
0 - Ajax functionality is disabled
1 - Ajax functionality is enabled if supported by the browser
The default value is 1 unless the eloqwebd [HTML] EnableAjax
parameter is otherwise configured.
Please note that the current dialog must be refreshed or a new
dialog must be displayed before a modified enableajax setting
comes into effect.
selonfocus : integer, get/set
Specifies whether the content of EditText fields are selected
on focus. Possible values are:
0 - don't select anything
1 - select single-line EditText
2 - select multi-line EditText
3 - select both single- and multi-line EditText
This allows to override the global eloqwebd [HTML] SelectOnFocus
configuration parameter.
The default value is 1 unless the eloqwebd [HTML] SelectOnFocus
parameter is otherwise configured.
ruleonchange : integer, get/set
Specifies whether an EditText rule is triggered when the content
changes. Possible values are:
0 - rule is triggered when EditText loses focus
1 - rule is triggered when EditText content changes
This allows to override the global eloqwebd [HTML] RuleOnChange
configuration parameter.
The default value is 0 unless the eloqwebd [HTML] RuleOnChange
parameter is otherwise configured.
xraster : integer, get/set
yraster : integer, get/set
Specifies the width and height of a character cell, used for
internal coordinate calculations.
The xraster/yraster unit is a 10th of a pixel to allow for sub-
pixel raster sizes. For example, to specify a 10.5 pixel raster
size, a value of 105 must be used.
This allows to override the global eloqwebd [HTML] XRaster and
YRaster configuration parameters.
Unless the eloqwebd [HTML] XRaster and YRaster parameters are
otherwise configured, the xraster default value is 90 (9 pixels)
and the yraster default value is 180 (18 pixels).
extcharset : string, get/set
Specifies the character set encoding of external files which
are accessed using the .file attribute. Possible values are:
"HPROMAN8" - external files' encoding is HP Roman 8
"ISO8859-1" - external files' encoding is ISO 8859-1
This allows to override the global eloqwebd [HTML] ExtCharset
configuration parameter.
The default value is "HPROMAN8" unless the eloqwebd
[HTML] ExtCharset parameter is otherwise configured.
popupborder : integer, get/set
Specifies the border width of POPUP BOX objects in pixel units.
If set to 0, the border width can be specified with a CSS
definition for the .eq_popup_box class.
This allows to override the global eloqwebd [HTML] PopupBorder
configuration parameter.
The default value is 3 unless the eloqwebd [HTML] PopupBorder
parameter is otherwise configured.
* Added the System authlogin and authpassword attributes.
authlogin : string, get
Returns the user name if HTTP Basic Authentication is used.
authpassword : string, get
Returns the password if HTTP Basic Authentication is used.
* Added the System useragent, useragentvmajor and useragentvminor
attributes. These attributes allow to query the type and version
of the user-agent, usually the user's web browser.
useragent : string, get
Returns the type of the user-agent, usually the identifier or
brand of the user's web browser.
For example, "IE" is returned for Microsoft Internet Explorer,
"Firefox" is returned for Mozilla Firefox.
useragentvmajor : string, get
Returns the major version of the user-agent. This is usually
a numeric value, for example "16".
useragentvminor : string, get
Returns the minor version of the user-agent. This is usually
a numeric value, for example "0".
* Added the EqSubmit() JavaScript API.
void EqSubmit(rule, path)
Issues a rule submission to the program. The rule and path
values are returned to the program.
rule - rule value (numeric)
path - object path (string)
Note: The Dialog object addressed by the path argument must
exist, otherwise the rule/path values are not submitted to
the program.
The EqSubmit() function allows a rule submission from user-
defined JavaScript code or from a hyperlink.
Example 1: Invoking EqSubmit() from user-defined code
EqSubmit(205, 'MyDialog.GroupBox.Object');
Example 2: Invoking EqSubmit() from a hyperlink
* By default, the generated JavaScript functions are now provided
in a separate session-specific document, i.e., the JavaScript
functions are no longer part of the HTML document containing
the Dialog.
This may improve performance if the browser keeps the compiled
functions in memory, depending on the browser capabilities.
The new [HTML] JsInline eloqwebd configuration parameter may be
used to globally disable this feature if desired:
[HTML] JsInline
Zero (default): The JavaScript functions are provided in a
separate session-specific document.
Nonzero: The JavaScript functions are part of the HTML document
containing the Dialog, as in previous WEBDLG versions.
Patch PE81-1211190
Platforms: All
* The user-agent type and version may now be queried through
the System object. The System useragent, useragentvmajor
and useragentvminor attributes have been added.
* Fixed a problem where resolving an environment variable in
the mod_eloq EloqCommand or EloqEnvironment configuration
could cause mod_eloq to crash if the variable did not exist.
* DLG GET "System.version" returns "B.08.10.09".
Patch PE81-1211070
Platforms: All
* The [HTML] EnableAjax eloqwebd configuration parameter may
now be modified through the Application object.
* The CheckBox and RadioButton label text is now click sensitive.
* The RETURN/ENTER and SPACE keys now activate a ListBox rule
submission if the ListBox singleclick attribute is set to 0
or 2 (rule submission on mouse button double click).
* Fixed a problem where the SPACE key did not activate a ListBox
rule submission if the ListBox tabonenter attribute was set to
the default nonzero value.
* DLG GET "System.version" returns "B.08.10.08".
Patch PE81-1203220
Platforms: All
* Added the common toolhelp attribute.
* Allow PushButton height greater than 1.
Please note that specifying the PushButton height may be ignored,
depending on the browser implementation.
* DLG GET "System.version" returns "B.08.10.07".
Patch PE81-1108250
Platforms: All
* Added the csswidth and cssheight attributes for StaticText,
EditText and ListBox objects.
* Fixed a problem where the GroupBox sensitive attribute was not
correctly recognized on contained objects.
* DLG GET "System.version" returns "B.08.10.06".
Patch PE81-1107250
Platforms: All
* Fixed the vertical object alignment.
* Fixed the width of EditText objects.
* DLG GET "System.version" returns "B.08.10.05".
Patch PE81-1106010
Platforms: All
* Added the EqSubmit() JavaScript API to allow a rule submission
from user-defined JavaScript code or from a hyperlink.
* DLG GET "System.version" returns "B.08.10.04".
Patch PE81-1105300
Platforms: All
* Added the common selonfocus attribute to allow to override the
eloqwebd [HTML] SelectOnFocus configuration.
* Added the Dialog xraster and yraster attributes to allow to
override the eloqwebd [HTML] XRaster and YRaster configuration.
* The eloqwebd configuration parameters below may now be modified
through the Application object:
- [Session] Expires
- [HTML] SelectOnFocus
- [HTML] RuleOnChange
- [HTML] XRaster, YRaster
- [HTML] ExtCharset
- [HTML] PopupBorder
* The text attribute (StaticText, PushButton, CheckBox, RadioButton)
is no longer considered to modify the Dialog structure, i.e., does
no longer cause the HTML page to be reloaded if Ajax is enabled.
* Contrary to the previous documentation, the common rule attribute
is considered to modify the dialog structure and therefore causes
the HTML page to be reloaded.
* Fixed a problem where a Dialog containing only a single EditText
object could not be submitted.
* ListBox, PushButton, CheckBox and RadioButton objects may now be
triggered by the RETURN/ENTER and SPACE keys, depending on the
FocusTabMode configuration (see above, may depend on the browser
* PushButton, CheckBox, RadioButton: Fixed a problem observed on the
Mac platform where a button object was not focused when clicked.
* ListBox: DLG GET vheight on an empty ListBox could return 1 in
certain cases.
* ListBox: Fixed an incompatibility with Microsoft Internet Explorer
(all versions) where the ListBox content was not correctly set
during an Ajax transaction.
* Image: Fixed an incompatibility with Microsoft Internet Explorer
(all versions) where an Image default rule was not triggerd if
an Image map is specified.
* Improved browser caching of spacer image files and the session-
specific JavaScript document.
* DLG GET "System.version" returns "B.08.10.03".
Patch PE81-1105090
Platforms: All
* Fixed Ajax incompatibility with Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE)
version 6 or older (#4040).
Ajax in WEBDLG now works with MSIE version 5.5 or newer. For MSIE
versions older than 5.5 Ajax is implicitly disabled.
* DLG GET "System.version" returns "B.08.10.02".
Patch PE81-1104010
Platforms: All
* Enhancements and new functionality:
- Dialogs are dynamically updated using Ajax browser functionality.
- Dialog tab order is enforced, RETURN and ENTER keys are enabled
for tab navigation.
- Enhanced the support for CSS style definitions.
- Added support for HTTP Basic Authentication against the eloqsd
server (Apache version 2.2 only).
- Added support for token and environment variable resolving in
the mod_eloq command and environment configuration.
- Added the PopText object class.
- Added the borderstyle attribute (Dialog, GroupBox, Image).
- Added the ListBox ruleoverride and singleclick attributes.
- Added the System authlogin and authpassword attributes.
- Allow the browser to keep JavaScript functions in memory.
For details, please refer to the section about enhancements and
new functionality on top of this document.
* Changed the default value of the [HTML] RuleOnChange eloqwebd
configuration parameter to zero.
The reason for this change is the improved Dialog performance
caused by the new Ajax functionality, which makes the previous
nonzero RuleOnChange default value no longer necessary.
* Fixed the POPUP BOX default button behavior. The default button
is now correctly focused when the POPUP BOX is initially displayed.
* DLG GET "System.version" returns "B.08.10.01".
Please download the patch archive that corresponds with the installed
release. The patch files follow the conventions below:
^ ^ ^
| | Architecture / OS specific build
| Operating system
Patch ID
In order to install this patch, you need to unpack it with gzip and tar.
Gzip is included with HP-UX. Installation requires root privileges.
Before installation, please consider stopping the Apache web server.
cd /opt/eloquence/8.1
gzip -dc /path/to/PE81-1211190-hpux.tar.gz | tar xf -
lib/hpux32/mod_eloq22.so (Apache 2.2 32-bit, Itanium)
lib/hpux32/mod_eloq2.so (Apache 2.0 32-bit, Itanium)
lib/hpux64/mod_eloq22.so (Apache 2.2 64-bit, Itanium)
lib/hpux64/mod_eloq2.so (Apache 2.0 64-bit, Itanium)
lib/pa11_32/mod_eloq22.so (Apache 2.2 32-bit, PA-RISC 1.1)
lib/pa11_32/mod_eloq2.so (Apache 2.0 32-bit, PA-RISC 1.1)
lib/pa20_32/mod_eloq22.so (Apache 2.2 32-bit, PA-RISC 2.0)
lib/pa20_32/mod_eloq2.so (Apache 2.0 32-bit, PA-RISC 2.0)
lib/pa20_64/mod_eloq22.so (Apache 2.2 64-bit, PA-RISC 2.0)
lib/pa20_64/mod_eloq2.so (Apache 2.0 64-bit, PA-RISC 2.0)
In order to install this patch, you need to unpack it with tar.
Installation requires root privileges.
Before installation, please consider stopping the Apache web server.
cd /opt/eloquence/8.1
tar xzf /path/to/PE81-1211190-linux.tar.gz
lib/mod_eloq22.so (Apache 2.2 32-bit, Itanium: 64-bit)
lib/mod_eloq2.so (Apache 2.0 32-bit, Itanium: 64-bit)
lib64/mod_eloq22.so (Apache 2.2 64-bit)
lib64/mod_eloq2.so (Apache 2.0 64-bit)
Two options are available for patch installation. The patch is
available as self extracting archive for automatic installation
and as a zip archive for manual installation. Both patches are
equivalent. Installation requires administrative capabilities.
For automatic installation of this patch, please download the patch
file PE81-1211190-win32.exe. Before installation, please consider
stopping the Apache web server, then execute the patch installation
program. Installation does not require a reboot unless the patched
files were active.
For a manual installation of the patch, please download the patch
file PE81-1211190-win32.zip and unpack its contents. Then perform
the following steps:
* Please make sure the Apache web server is stopped before installing
the patch.
* Please copy the eloqwebd.exe file into the Eloquence bin directory.
(Default location: C:\Program Files\Eloquence\8.1\bin)
* Please copy the mod_eloq22.so and mod_eloq2.so files into the
Eloquence lib directory.
(Default location: C:\Program Files\Eloquence\8.1\lib)
* Please copy the eloqwebd.cfg.sam file into the Eloquence etc
(Default location: C:\Program Files\Eloquence\8.1\etc)
* Please copy the PE81-1211190-README.txt file into the Eloquence
share\doc directory.
(Default location: C:\Program Files\Eloquence\8.1\share\doc)
mod_eloq22.so (Apache 2.2)
mod_eloq2.so (Apache 2.0)