---------------------------------------------------------------------- ELOQUENCE B.08.10 - patch PE81-1605120 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This patch adds enhancements or fixes defects of the Eloquence IDE for the Windows platform as released with Eloquence B.08.10. This patch will be integrated in the Eloquence B.08.10 release. Eloquence B.08.10 must be installed before applying this patch. Severity: PE81-1605120: BUG FIX Superseded patches: PE81-1206290: BUG FIX Patch PE81-1605120 ------------------ Platforms: Windows * Fixed a regression which under certain conditions could cause the IDE explorer to display a wrong file list after a file was saved. This problem was introduced with Eloquence B.07.10 IDE patch PE71-0710290 which enhanced the explorer to refresh its file list after a file was saved. * Changed the Windows file version to "" Patch PE81-1206290 ------------------ Platforms: Windows * Fixed a problem in the Dialog Editor. For StaticText, PushButton, CheckBox and RadioButton objects, if the w attribute is zero the object width was not always correctly calculated based on the text width. * Changed the Windows file version to "" Installation: ------------- Please download the patch archive that corresponds with the installed release. The patch files follow the conventions below: PE81-1605120-hpux-ia64.tar.gz ^ ^ ^ | | Architecture / OS specific build | Operating system Patch ID Windows: Two options are available for patch installation. The patch is available as self extracting archive for automatic installation and as a zip archive for manual installation. Both patches are equivalent. Installation requires administrative capabilities. For automatic installation of this patch, please download the patch file PE81-1605120-win32.exe. Installation does not require a reboot unless the patched files were active. For a manual installation of the patch, please download the patch file PE81-1605120-win32.zip and unpack its contents. Then perform the following steps: * Please copy the eloqide.exe file into the Eloquence bin directory. (Default location: C:\Program Files\Eloquence\8.1\bin) * Please copy the *.dll and *.cfg files into the Eloquence lib directory. (Default location: C:\Program Files\Eloquence\8.1\lib) * Please copy the PE81-1605120-README.txt file into the Eloquence share\doc directory. (Default location: C:\Program Files\Eloquence\8.1\share\doc) Files: eloqide.exe ide-adlg.dll ide-adlg.cfg ide-adlg-old.cfg ide-idm.dll ide-idm.cfg PE81-1605120-README.txt