checksyscat - utility to check if the system catalog is structurally consistent ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revision: 2012-05-23 usage: checksyscat [options] [database] options: -help - show usage (this list) -c cfg - server configuration file -b size - Buffer cache size (MB) -v - verbose output -t catid - check specified catalog table The checksyscat utility provides diagnostics on the structural consistency of the database server global system catalog or a database catalog. Usage instructions: 1) Download the checksyscat archive according to your platform. On Windows, the contained checksyscat executable must be unpacked into the Eloquence B.08.20 bin directory, otherwise it will not work. On HP-UX or Linux, unpack the contained checksyscat executable into a directory of your choice. You could, for example, unpack it into the Eloquence bin directory to integrate it into your Eloquence environment. 2) Invoke checksyscat on the global system catalog or a database catalog. /path/to/checksyscat Or: /path/to/checksyscat DATABASE The global system catalog of the database server is checked if no database is specified. To check a database catalog a database must be specified. This proforms the check on the default database server instance. To check another instance you are required to specify the database server configuration file with the -c command line option, such as: /path/to/checksyscat -c /path/to/eloqdb.cfg /path/to/checksyscat -c /path/to/eloqdb.cfg DATABASE If you invoke checksyscat this way, all tables in the catalog are checked and only errors are output. If the catalog is ok, there is nothing output. In case you want progress information (about which catalog tables are processed) specify the -v command line option, such as: /path/to/checksyscat -v /path/to/checksyscat DATABASE /path/to/checksyscat -v -c /path/to/eloqdb.cfg /path/to/checksyscat -v -c /path/to/eloqdb.cfg DATABASE The -t command line option may be used to check a specific catalog table. For example, to check the global sysobjects table (table id #20): /path/to/checksyscat -t20 Please note that in case the database server is active, checksyscat requires that the database server is in on-line backup mode. This is because it directly accesses the database server data volume files, which must not change while checksyscat is processing. The on-line backup mode makes sure that the data volumes do not change. To put the database server into on-line backup mode, a sequence like below may be used: /opt/eloquence6/bin/dbctl -u dba backup start ... invoke the checksyscat utility ... /opt/eloquence6/bin/dbctl -u dba backup stop 3) In case you find any errors and you want to create a log file, please invoke checksyscat as below: /path/to/checksyscat -v | tee checksyscat.log This copies the checksyscat output to the "checksyscat.log" file in the current directory. 4) To check all database catalogs in a database server instance, use a shell script like below on HP-UX or Linux: dbdumpcat -nt31 | cut -d' ' -f2 | while read db ; do /path/to/checksyscat $db | tee $db.checksyscat.log done This creates a "DATABASE.checksyscat.log" file for each DATABASE in the addressed database server environment. Please note that if you have multiple database server instances, dbdumpcat must address the correct instance (possibly using the -h command line option or using the EQ_DBSERVER environment variable) and checksyscat must address the corresponding eloqdb6.cfg file (possibly using the -c command line option). If you have questions or feedback, please contact: Your Eloquence team at Marxmeier Software AG