checkfts - utility to check FTS index consistency ------------------------------------------------- Revision: 2019-10-18 usage: checkfts [options] database [set|refid ...] options: -help - show usage (this list) -u user - set user name -p pswd - set password -c cfg - server configuration file -b size - Buffer cache size (MB) -k - refid argument list (instead of set list) -v - verbose output (-vv more details) -q - quiet (no progress output) -S - check for structural problems only -D - dump keywords (-DD[D] and references) -M - use master key A list of FTS indexes may be specfied: A set name or number checks all FTS indexes for a set. If the -k option is set an FTS refid list is expected. The checkfts utility provides consistency diagnostics on the FTS index for the specified database. Usage instructions: On HP-UX or Linux, checkfts does not depend on a specific Eloquence version. On Windows, however, checkfts.exe requires an installed Eloquence 8.30 and should be located in the Eloquence 8.30 bin64 directory (using a different location requires that PATH contains the Eloquence 8.30 bin64 directory). The checkfts utility first scans the data sets, building an FTS index in memory. It then checks the existing FTS index against the memory index and reports any difference along with the corresponding data set and FTS refid. Performing this on the entire database may take considerable time while using a significant amount of memory, which can be reduced by limiting the check to specific FTS fields. One or more data set arguments (set number or name) may be specified to select the associated FTS fields. Each FTS field corresponds to an FTS reference identifier (refid). When the -k command line option is set, one or more FTS refid arguments may be specified (instead of data set arguments). Please note: The output of "prdbutil -l fts DATABASE" may be used to display the FTS refid for each field definition. The checkfts utility directly accesses the database server volume files and may be used when the database server either is inactive or in on-line backup mode. By default, checkfts displays progress information if standard output refers to a terminal (may be disabled by setting the -q command line option). If problems are found, a summary is output. When -v is set, problem details are output for every affected keyword (-vv in addition outputs the referred record number for every affected reference). Standard error output may be redirected, typically to create a log file. For example: checkfts -v DATABASE 2>checkfts.log The checkfts -M option must be used if any FTS-relevant data is encrypted. When specified, the EQ_MKEYID and EQ_MKEYFILE environment variables are used to provide master key(s) to access encrypted data. The user is prompted to enter the pass-phrase(s). EQ_MKEYID specifies a colon separated list of master key ids. Up to 6 master key ids may be present. EQ_MKEYFILE specifies a colon separated list of master key files. Up to 3 key files may be specified. The default key file is: eqdb.key For example: $ export EQ_MKEYID=alpha:beta $ export EQ_MKEYFILE=test.key $ checkfts ... -M ... Enter passphrase for alpha: alpha: Master key activated Enter passphrase for beta: beta: Master key activated ...