---------------------------------------------------------------------- ELOQUENCE B.08.30 - patch PE83-2212210 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This patch adds enhancements or fixes defects of the Eloquence WEBDLG2 as released with Eloquence B.08.30-2211. This patch will be integrated in the Eloquence B.08.30 release. Eloquence B.08.30-1810 must be installed before applying this patch. Severity: PE83-2212210: ENHANCEMENT, BUG FIX Superseded patches: none Patch PE83-2212210 ------------------ Platforms: All New functionality: * eloqwebd2.uri: The Index configuration item has been added. Specifies an index file name to be used when the request URI exactly matches the specified pattern, i.e., when a directory is accessed. Please note: This patch updates the eloqwebd2.uri configuration template file, installed in the newconfig/config directory. Fixed problems: * Fixed 'setFocus: from ... not registered' JavaScript client error, causing the user interface to stop responding until the document is reloaded. This was caused by invoking DLG SET Dialog.do,1 and then opening a new Dialog. The new Dialog then failed to access the previous Dialog's focus object. * Fixed 'apiReceived op 24: invalid, not idle' JavaScript client error, causing the user interface to stop responding until the document is reloaded. This was caused by a client-server race condition. * Fixed 'BUG: elementsChanged no current Dialog'. This was caused by pressing the context menu mouse button while the Dialog is not interactive. * Menubar: Fixed setting visible=0 and sensitive=0 had no effect. * TabBox: Fixed tab not implicitly selected when focus is set to a contained object. * TabBox: Fixed sensitive=0 tabs were not displayed. * TabBox: Fixed setting selectedtab had no effect if the related GroupBox object id is modified afterwards. * TabBox: Fixed setting selectedtab could have unexpected effects when tabs are deleted afterwards. * Application development and debugging: When a DLG listener is connected, the eloqwebd2 user agent was not marked as authenticated. As a consequence, the eloqwebd2 internal web server returned a 403 (Forbidden) status for an URI configured with GroupList = @auth. * eloqwebd2.mime: Specifying media type parameters, fro example "charset", was not possible. Parameters were unexpectedly truncated. For example: text/markdown; charset=UTF-8 Truncated to: text/markdown; Documentation: * Please refer to the WEBDLG2 documentation located at: https://eloquence.marxmeier.com/doc/webdlg2/ Installation: ------------- Please download the patch archive that corresponds with the installed release. The patch files follow the conventions below: PE83-2212210-hpux-ia64.tar.gz ^ ^ ^ | | Architecture / OS specific build | Operating system Patch ID HP-UX IA64: In order to install this patch, you need to unpack it with gzip and tar. Gzip is included with HP-UX. Installation requires root privileges. cd /opt/eloquence/8.3 gzip -dc /path/to/PE83-2212210-hpux-ia64.tar.gz | tar xf - Files: bin/eloqwebd2 newconfig/config/eloqwebd2.uri share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg.js share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg.src.js share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg.src.map share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg-ui.js share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg-ui.src.js share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg-ui.src.map share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg-api.js share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg-api.src.js share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg-api.src.map share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg.css share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg.src.css share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg-status.js share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg-status.src.js share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg-status.src.map share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg-status.css share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg-status.src.css share/doc/PE83-2212210-README HP-UX PA-RISC: In order to install this patch, you need to unpack it with gzip and tar. Gzip is included with HP-UX. Installation requires root privileges. cd /opt/eloquence/8.3 gzip -dc /path/to/PE83-2212210-hpux-pa20.tar.gz | tar xf - Files: bin/eloqwebd2 newconfig/config/eloqwebd2.uri share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg.js share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg.src.js share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg.src.map share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg-ui.js share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg-ui.src.js share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg-ui.src.map share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg-api.js share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg-api.src.js share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg-api.src.map share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg.css share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg.src.css share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg-status.js share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg-status.src.js share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg-status.src.map share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg-status.css share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg-status.src.css share/doc/PE83-2212210-README Linux: In order to install this patch, you need to unpack it with tar. Installation requires root privileges. cd /opt/eloquence/8.3 tar xzf /path/to/PE83-2212210-linux-86_64.tar.gz Files: bin/eloqwebd2 newconfig/config/eloqwebd2.uri share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg.js share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg.src.js share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg.src.map share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg-ui.js share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg-ui.src.js share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg-ui.src.map share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg-api.js share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg-api.src.js share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg-api.src.map share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg.css share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg.src.css share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg-status.js share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg-status.src.js share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg-status.src.map share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg-status.css share/webdlg2/htdocs/eq-webdlg-status.src.css share/doc/PE83-2212210-README Windows: Two options are available for patch installation. The patch is available as self extracting archive for automatic installation and as a zip archive for manual installation. Both patches are equivalent. Installation requires administrative capabilities. For automatic installation of this patch, please download the patch file PE83-2212210-win32.exe. Before installation, please consider stopping the WEBDLG2 server, then execute the patch installation program. Installation does not require a reboot unless the patched files were active. For a manual installation of the patch, please download the patch file PE83-2212210-win32.zip and unpack its contents. Then perform the following steps: * Please make sure the eloqwebd service is stopped before installing the patch (in the Service Control Manager or with net stop eloqwebd). * Please copy the eloqwebd32.exe file into the Eloquence bin directory. (Default location: C:\Program Files\Eloquence\8.3\bin) * Please copy the eloqwebd64.exe file into the Eloquence bin64 directory. (Default location: C:\Program Files\Eloquence\8.3\bin64) * Please copy the eloqwebd2.uri file into the Eloquence newconfig\config directory. (Default location: C:\Program Files\Eloquence\8.3\newconfig\config) * Please copy the eq-webdlg* files into the Eloquence share\webdlg2\htdocs directory (create the directory if it does not exist). (Default location: C:\Program Files\Eloquence\8.3\share\webdlg2\htdocs) * Please copy the PE83-2212210-README.txt file into the Eloquence share\doc directory. (Default location: C:\Program Files\Eloquence\8.3\share\doc) Files: eloqwebd32.exe (32 bit WEBDLG2 server) eloqwebd64.exe (64 bit WEBDLG2 server) eloqwebd2.uri eq-webdlg.js eq-webdlg.src.js eq-webdlg.src.map eq-webdlg-ui.js eq-webdlg-ui.src.js eq-webdlg-ui.src.map eq-webdlg-api.js eq-webdlg-api.src.js eq-webdlg-api.src.map eq-webdlg.css eq-webdlg.src.css eq-webdlg-status.js eq-webdlg-status.src.js eq-webdlg-status.src.map eq-webdlg-status.css eq-webdlg-status.src.css PE83-2212210-README.txt