jdlg/1.3.0/README ----------------- Welcome to the public Eloquence beta test. This directory provides access to upcoming Eloquence functionality. This software is intended for test usage only. NOTE: Files in this directory are available under the terms of the Eloquence Test Agreement as specified at http://www.hp-eloquence.com/lab/B0700/register.html Downloading and installing the software implies your agreement to the Eloquence Test terms and conditions. Enjoy! The Eloquence Team --------------------------------------------------------------------- Eloquence JDLG 1.3.0 -------------------- This directory contains the jdlgS.jar signed JAR of Eloquence JDLG 1.3.0 in ZIP or gzipped tar format. Please refer to the current release notes contained in the changes.html file located in this directory. A preliminary documentation of the new ListBox is contained in the listbox.html file located in this directory.