Change Notes for the JDLG 060427 1351 development snapshot ------------------------------------------------------------------ Fixed problems: - If a dialog action was triggered while the dialog was not in DLG DO, the action was saved and one or more rules were issued during the next DLG DO invocations. - The multiline EditText object was not always displayed correctly. - The CheckBox.ruleoverride attribute had no effect, the CheckBox always behaved as if the ruleoverride attribute was active. Therefore, the ruleoverride default of the CheckBox was wrong. - The Alt+F4 keyboard shortcut to close a dialog window did not work on the Windows platform. Known problems: - Clicking an inactive dialog window brings it into foreground, possibly covering the currently active dialog and thus confusing the user. This will be solved in the next JDLG 1.3.1 release. Please note: - This release introduces a new DLG DO "on-line/off-line" implementation that filters any dialog actions while the dialog is not in DLG DO. If you encounter any behavior differences compared to previous JDLG 1.3.1 releases we would appreciate if you could send us a problem report to the mail address. Thank you very much.