Change Notes for the JDLG 061114 1853 development snapshot ------------------------------------------------------------------ This is a maintenance update for the previous JDLG 061109 1245 development snapshot. Fixed problems: - An internal problem with the .visible attribute could cause parts of a dialog to be invisible. - An internal problem with the .visible and .sensitive attributes could cause DLG SET .focus to hang in an endless loop, causing JDLG to consume CPU. - DLG GET TabBox.selectedtab returned an empty string if the dialog was not yet displayed and .selectedtab was not set. Known problems: - If the Window menu has multiple identical entries they are not distinguished. The first entry is always activated regardless which entry is clicked. This has always been a bug in JDLG and will be solved in a future release. Please note: - JDLG 1.3.1 implements a new focus/rule manager. If you encounter any problems with this release we would appreciate if you could send us a problem report to the mail address. Thank you very much.